My Favorite Place in the World

After my divorce I spent a lot of time alone and so I had plenty of time to think. The beach became my retreat, my escape from the rest of the world. So I would head there to fill any free moment and I would walk. Sometimes I would walk for hours. I would walk most nights until sunset, watching the sky change, the sun reflecting off the clouds. It made me appreciate that I was part of something bigger. That the things going on in my little world were small in comparison. The sun would set and I would be grateful because I’d made it through another day.


Sunrise has also been special to me but in a different way. I am fortunate enough to be able to see both sunrise and sunset over the water, without having to drive to the other side of the state. For most people sunrise represents limitless possibilities. That certainly resonates with me. But it is also a time of peace, of calm before my busy day begins. It is a time when the kids are still asleep and I can reflect on all that I am grateful for.


The rise and fall of the sun has been such an influence in my life. I am grateful I have this opportunity to share it.

Revised 3/29/18

A great friend has just sent me pictures of sunrise and sunset on Easter Island where she is currently traveling. She is one of my most faithful supporters so I instantly knew I had to add her pictures to this post.  We miss you!



This post is in response to the photo challenge Sunrise/Sunset

25 thoughts on “My Favorite Place in the World”

    1. Oh I’ve wanted to ride to work but haven’t done it yet! 😁 if I go in early there’s a spot as I turn into downtown on the highway where the whole downtown area gets lit up by the sunrise. Unfortunately taking a picture while driving down the highway is probably a bad idea lol

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      1. I relocated from Woodstock, NY. I sometimes miss the snow and sitting by the fireplace, but I also love living in Florida. Being in the sunshine…. feels so good! Too many days of dark /grey and cold/icy days, up north! Hope you have a wonderful day, today! 🙂

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